Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
aice /açgʲə/
boir. iol. -an
burrow, hole in the ground (esp. of a crustacean)
aice /açgʲə/
boir. neo-ath.
chan eil briseadh puirt air
he's like a broken record (fig.)
cha robh a chridhe aige facal a ràdh
he was afraid to say a word, he didn't dare say a word, he was browbeaten into silence
thoir fideadh a-staigh aice
pay him a short visit, briefly drop in on him!
bha ceum na mòintich aice
she had a slow and steady gait with long strides (fig.)
tha fearann le còir aice
she holds land and the title to it
cha robh smiod aice ri ràdh
she had nothing to say
bha srann aice an-raoir
she was snoring last night
's ann aice a bha an t-eadradh /sãũN ɛçgʲə ə va əNʲ tʲedrəɣ/
she gave an enormous amount of milk
's ann aice a tha an cur aiste
she has considerable abilities, she's very capable
tha sùil mhór aice air Russell Crowe
she has a big crush on/fancies Russell Crowe
cha robh sòradh aice air moladh
she didn't spare the praise
'n eil bliam aice
not a clue, she has
tha cur ri chùl aice
she is a woman of substance
chan eil sgiolt aice
she has no sense
tha magaid aice dhith
she fancies her
tha gléire a bhàrr aice
she has a considerable crop
bheir mo mhàthair ás a' cheann aice i
my mother will teach her, my mother will take her down a notch or two (fig.)
tha tonn math aice sa bhuideal
she has a fair amount (of liquid) in the bottle
tha a dìol aice ri dhèanamh
she has enough on her plate (fig.)
tha ceum crùbaicheid aice
she has a limp
chan eil saothair aice air
it's no effort for her, it's easy for her
chan eil lide aice
she is stuck for words, she cannot think of anything to say
chan eil sunnd aice ri pastrami
she doesn't care for pastrami
Toraidhean Dwelly
sf Proximity. 2 (faice) Lobster's hole, crab hole. †3|| Band, tying.
prep pron With her, at her, on her, in her possession. 2 In her remembrance. Tha dùslach òir còrr
adv Near, close at hand, also taice.
prep At, near, close by. 2 In possession. 3 On account of. 4 For. 5 On. Is mór agam sin, còrr
prep Out of, from out. [Ás drops the s when followed by a consonant]. á taigh na còrr
sf Life-rent, livelihood. 2†† Lifetime. Tha a beò-shlàinte aice dheth, she còrr
-aid, -an, sm Moving, movement, motion. 2 Act of motion. 3* Agitation. 4 Conduct, còrr
-ainn & -a, pl. -an, sf Snore, snorting. 2 Whizzing or whistling sound. 3 còrr
-àice, -an, sf Accent. Stràc gheur or stràc bhrisg, acute accent; stràc mhall, còrr
(for bha) Used before a word beginning with a vowel, as, an duine a bh' ann, whoever it còrr
-aice, -aicean, see cnuachd.
-e, sf Moving, stirring. 2 Power of motion. 3 Endeavour. 4** Burden. 5†† còrr
sf see aice, 3. 2** Tatter.
† -aice, a. see ionraic.
-ain, sm Pocket, little bag. 2 Private or hidden purse, as of a wife. Tha tagan math aice, còrr
-ail, -an, sm Title. Nach eil còir aice an ciste air tiodal na rìoghachd, that it has not còrr
a Aice tha a' chroiteag is toite (“tight” in current edition) san Eòrpa, còrr