Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online

cluich an taighe

sm A game which is practically the same as rounders. Two sides of equal numbers are picked, one fielding and the other batting. The essentials are a bat or “driver” and a ball. Three circles are drawn in a triangle, the sides of the triangle being as nearly as possible 50 yards each. One side takes its stand inside the first circle, all the other side fielding round about with the exception of a bowler or as he is called fear tha toirt nam faireag who stands in the centre of the triangle. The batsman in circle No. 1 receives a faireag or bowl, and after striking the ball as hard as possible, runs immediately for circle No. 2 If the ball is caught fairly he is out. He is also out if while running, he is struck by the ball, or if the circle is struck. Another batsman then takes his place, receives a faireag, smites the ball and runs for circle No. 2, while the player in circle No. 2 runs for circle No. 3. If either of them is struck or either circle is struck, or the player running in the circle that is struck, he is out. Batsman No. 3 now stands forward, receives his faireag, the others running for the next circle. The boy in circle No. 3 runs to circle No. 1 this time, and this goes on until the whole side is out, when the opposing side takes its turn at batting, the erstwhile batsmen then fielding. Any number may be fixed, usually 50 to 100 to a side. For each time a player runs right round and back to circle No. 1, he earns one point. If neither side reaches the given number, the side which has the highest number of points is adjudged the winner. By the turn of the century, this game was practically dead in Uist, but at one time it was very popular. Uist Games in Celtic Review No. 16.

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cluich an taighe 50
Creag Mhigeachaidh 50