-e, -ean, sf Crowd. 2 Violin. 3 Cymbal. 4 Lute. 5 see croit. [The cruit was a six-stringed instrument, used of old in Scotland and Ireland, but now confined to the mountains of N. Wales]. 6(WC) Smart lassie. Nach b’ e a’ chruit i? Isn’t she a smart lassie? cruit an aonaich, the ridge of the hill; meòir a' sguabadh na cruite, fingers sweeping along the crowd.
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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
taomadh |
| 51 |
taom |
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Taomar |
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taomaidh |
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thaom |
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thaomadh |
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thaomainn |
| 1 |
taomte |
| 1 |
clear |
| 50 |
cruit |
| 50 |