buige, a. Soft. 2 Boggy. 3 Tender. 4 Silly, foolish. 5 Moist, damp. 6 Mellow. 7 Spiritless. 8** Sweet or soft sounding. 9** Timid, effeminate. A ciabh bhog, her soft hair; a' Bhealltainn bhog, moist [showery] May; a fhir bhuig! O effeminate man! le a ribheid bhuig, with his soft-sounding reed; brisidh an teangadh bog an cneadh, a smooth tongue softens a wound; brisidh an teangadh bhog an cnàimh, the smooth tongue breaks the bone; àite bog, a place where a person or animal is apt to sink; chan eil ann ach duine bog, he is only a chicken-hearted fellow; gu bog blàth, snug and warm; cridhe bog, a tender heart; dh'fhalbh e gu bog, balbh, bodhar, he sneaked away quietly, without a word, tail between legs.
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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
bhog |
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bog |
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com-pàirt beatha |
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Hearted |
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Balbh |
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