Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
mu dheireadh /mə ʝerʲəɣ/
1 last, ultimate 2 at last
air a' cheann mu dheireadh Listen
in the end
bleoghainn chun na srideige mu dheireadh
milk completely dry/down to the last drop!
cuairt mu dheireadh
1 last round 2 final rounding (in mathematics)
mu dheireadh thall
at long last, finally, eventually
mu dheireadh is mu dhiù
at long last, finally
mu dheireadh 's mu dhéidh
at long last, finally
an taoman agus an ràmh as miosa dhan fhear mu dheireadh dhen an eathar
Devil take the hindmost (fig.)
an ceathramh mu dheireadh
the last quarter (esp. of the moon)
fàisg am boinne-taige mu dheireadh ás
squeeze out the last drop!
airson an uair mu dheireadh, na ith sin! Listen
for the last time, don't eat that!
am facal mu dheireadh Listen
the last word (fig.)
an dàrna deargann mu dheireadh Listen
the second (to) last/penultimate flea
an dithist mu dheireadh Listen
the latter two
bidh an osna mu dheireadh cràidhteach Listen
this will come to a sad end
chaidh an sgainneal mu làr mu dheireadh thall
the scandal finally died down
dh'eug a' pheucag mu dheireadh aca o chionn fhada
their last peacock died a long time ago
's e draibheadh an innleachd mu dheireadh againn /ʃɛ draivəɣ əNʲ ĩːNʲLəxg mə ʝerʲəɣ agɪNʲ/
driving is our last resort
sa cheann mu dheireadh…
in the end…
seas an làrach gus a' chuid mu dheireadh
stand your ground to the last!
anns a' mhionaid mu dheireadh
at the last minute, at the eleventh hour
chan eil seo ach an innleachd mu dheireadh
this is only a last resort
am prìomh-mhinistear mu dheireadh
the immediate past/the last first minister
MacDhòmhnaill mu dheireadh
the last MacDonald
na faclan mu dheireadh
1 the last words 2 the closing remarks
Toraidhean Dwelly
-imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 còrr
a Second, either, either of two. An dara h-uair, the second time; an dara h-à còrr
-ridh, -ridhean, sm End, conclusion. 2 The end, rear, hindmost part of anything. 3 Stern of còrr
-àis, sm Growth, increase. 2 Growing, increasing, becoming, state or act of growing. 3* còrr
prep. About, around. 2 Of. concerning. 3 On account of, for. Mun cuairt, about, round còrr
pr pt a' tréigsinn, va & n Leave, quit, relinquish, desert, forsake, abandon. 2 còrr
-e & uarach, pl -ean & -eannan, sf Hour, any given space of time. 2 Time of còrr
-ain, sf The Moon. 2 Monday. 3* Paunch. Latha Luain, a Monday; 2 a day lightened by the còrr
sm Tow-Head. Chuir thu ceann-paib air mu dheireadh, you have put a tow-head on it at còrr
** fut pass of feuch. Shall or will be shown. 2 imp. pass. Let (it) be shown. Feuchar còrr