Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
imlich /imilɪç/ Listen
gn. ag. imlich
1 lick! 2 lap! 2 rub! (Argyll)
imlich /imilɪç/
boir. gin. -e
1 (act of) licking 2 (act of) rubbing (Argyll)
tha imlich a' tighinn gu itheanaich
things are getting serious (fig.)
imleach /imiləx/
boir. gin. -lich
1 (act of) licking
is minig a chaill duine làn na léigh air sgàth imlich a chùil
to make big losses chasing small targets, to lose out by losing track of the big picture (fig.)
caill làn na leighe air imlich màis
lose track of the big picture! (fig.)
imlich airgead
1 worship money! (fig.) 2 worship people with money! (fig.)
imlich na corraige
keeping some for yourself (fig.)
imlich sine
lick a nipple!
tha imlich na corraige aig Calum
Calum is putting some aside for himself (in secret), Calum is appropriating stuff (fig.)
dh'imlich a corrag fhéin pàirt dhen uachdar
she had a bit of cream for herself
thig an ithe bhon imlich /higʲ əNʲ içə vɔNʲ imɪlɪç/
eating comes out of licking
Toraidhean Dwelly
pr pt ag imlich, va Lick with the tongue. 2 Lap. 3‡‡ Sweep off with the còrr
-e, sf Licking, act of licking. Ag imlich, pr pt of imlich.
Laggan & all W. Ross for imlich.
* see imlich.
fut. pass. of imlich.
pt pt of imlich. Licked.
va Badenoch, Strathspey, North Argyll, Wester Ross, North Sutherland and Lewis for còrr