Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
goid /gɤdʲ/
gn. ag. goid
steal, filch, thieve!
goid /gɤdʲ/
boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 (act of) stealing, thieving, filching 2 theft
gad /gad/
fir. gin. gaid, iol. -an
1 withe, withy 2 something strung up (e.g. a string of fish, a multiple fly rig)
cha bu diù leis cromadh ri goid no leithid sin ann
he would not stoop to stealing or anything of that sort
dèan goid Clach Sgàin
steal the Stone of Scone!
goid wok air Calum
steal a wok from Calum!
goid á pocaidean
pick pockets!
goid air falbh
abduct, hijack!
goid a-steach
sneak in/inside!
goid le aon dhe na sgàthain
steal away one of the mirrors!
leis gur h-ann le a bhith a' goid a gheibh e airgead
since he gets money from/by stealing
sìn do làmh gu goid
take to stealing/theft!
àrachas an treas-phàrtaidh, teine agus goid
third-party, fire and theft
tha goid ri a dhì-mholadh
stealing is to be discouraged
tha iad a' cur na goid ás leth Chaluim
they are accusing Calum of the theft
goid bròg air
1 steal a shoe from him 2 steal one of his shoes
Toraidhean Dwelly
-e, sf Theft, stealing, pilfering. 2 Creeping, slipping away cautiously. A' goid, pr pt còrr
pr pt a' goid, va Steal, pilfer. 2 Creep, steal, slip, sneak. Goididh an doineann e, còrr
spl Part of a plough, see goid.
(for gaid) npl of gad.
gen gaid & goid, pl. gaid, goid & gadan, sm Withe, twisted twig. 2 còrr
crann nan gad
sm Kind of plough, seldom used now, though at one time common enough, especially in the còrr
v. see goid.
** -idh, sm Act of stealing, theft. 2 Stealth. (Generally goid).
3rd sing & pl. imp. of goid. Goideadh iad, let them còrr
goid a' chrùin
s A game once played in Uist, like cluich an taighe. See p 52. Rounders.