Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
fhéin /heːn/ Listen
rio. neo-ath.
1 self 2 very, selfsame 3 own 4 intensifier
mi fhìn
an aon dòigh rium fhìn Listen
same as me
air mo shon fhìn Listen
for my part
mo leithid fhéin
the likes of me, people like me
faoileagan a' chladaich againn fhìn
our own folk/people (fig., implying a preference for your own folk over people from elsewhere)
a bharrachd oirnn fhìn Listen
compared to us
a bharrachd orm fhìn Listen
other than me
bha mi 'gam ithe fhìn airson mo ghòraich Listen
I was highly annoyed with myself at my own stupidity
bu bheag orm fhìn a-riamh…
I have always disliked…
chan eil mi cinnteach asam fhìn
I am not sure of myself
fàg mo roinn fhìn de shiùcar agam-sa
leave me my own share of sugar!
gheibh mise mo latha fhìn air Màiri fhathast
I shall get even with Màiri yet (fig.)
mar a ghabhas tu ort fhéin a bhith mar a tha sinn fhìn
if you desire/want to be just like us
mar neach dhinn fhìn
as one of us
mar gum b' eadh iad leam fhìn
as if they (children) were my own
nì mise doras dhomh fhìn
I will get in somehow
's mi fhìn a tha feumach air
I really need that
tha mi air thoiseach orm fhìn
I'm rushing ahead, I'm ahead of myself
thog mi fhìn orm gu…
I took myself (off) to/went to…
chan eil fhios dé dhèanainn leam fhìn
I don't know what I'd do with myself
chì sinn an dèan mi mi fhìn ris an àite
we'll see if I can get used to this place
mo chuip fhìn is each fear eile
a hired horse tired never (fig.)
far am bi mi fhìn, bidh mo thuagh
love me, love my dog (fig.)
bha sgioba rugbaidh na Cuimrigh air chéilidh a-staigh againn fhìn
the Welsh rugby team was visiting us
Toraidhean Dwelly
pers. pron. Self. Used only as an adjunct to nouns or other pronouns. Mi fhéin, myself; còrr
pers. pron. I, me. Emphatic, mise, mi fhéin (prov. mi fhìn) myself. Is còrr
pers. pron. We, us. Emphatic forms, sinne, sinn fhéin. Rinn sinn e, we did it, we còrr
prep pron (aig + mi) At me, with me, in my possession. It is also used as a possessive còrr