Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
buileach /buləx/
bua. coi. -liche
1 absolute(ly), complete(ly), full(y) 2 (with negative verb) just, quite 3 (intensifier) very 4 often
gu buileach
completely, entirely, fully
cha robh e buileach bonn a sia
he wasn't the full shilling (fig.)
tha thu a' ruith a-mach buileach a-nis
you're totally exaggerating now (fig.)
sin as miosa buileach
that's the worst
tha a' bhochdainn buileach orra
they are totally broke/completely skint
glé bhuileach
very often
bris e buileach bonn a sia
break it completely!
a' dol nas fhaide a-mach buileach
going even further, going further still
glan buileach
gléidh blàr gu buileach
rout an enemy, win an outright victory!
tuilleadh is éibhinn buileach glan
completely and utterly funny
buileach buileach salach
especially dirty
nas miosa buileach
far worse, worse still
chan eil e buileach deiseil
it's not completely done/quite ready
tha Màiri nas truime buileach
Màiri is heavier altogether
an dug a' chas bhriste ort toirt suas buileach glan? Listen
did your broken leg completely put you out of action?
diomaileach /dʲumaləx/
bua. coi. -liche
1 wasteful, squandering, profligate 2 abusive
gu buileach eadar-dhealaichte
completely/totally different
rach am feabhas buileach
fully recover!
chan eil Calum a' faireachdainn buileach aige fhéin
Calum isn't feeling completely himself
buileach feumail do Mhàiri
invaluable to Màiri
mill oirre pòsadh buileach glan
spoil marriage absolutely for her!
dèan an gnothach air Calum gu buileach
beat Calum completely/totally!
buileach glan
1 completely clean 2 (adv.) absolutely, completely
Toraidhean Dwelly
a. Complete, whole, total, entire. [Another form of baileach — ‡]
(gu) adv Completely, wholly, utterly, altogether. Glanaidh e gu ro bhuileach, he shall còrr
gu buileach
adv Altogether, quite.
-a, sm Judgment. 2 Destruction. [The sense conflagration given in the dictionaries is còrr
pr pt a' buain, [& a' buaineadh] va Mow, reap, cut down. 2 Shear. 3 Pluck, pull, còrr
prep. To, towards. Cuiridh mi litir thugad, I will send a letter to you; thuige is còrr
pr pt a' tréigsinn, va & n Leave, quit, relinquish, desert, forsake, abandon. 2 còrr
** sf Lean condition of body. Is buileach a chaith thu gu h-ana-cul, how very lean you còrr
-eiche, a Thrifty, economical, frugal, careful. 2 Excessive. 3 Thorough, complete. Gu còrr
** a. Apt to fly into a rage, furious. 2 see buileach.
** a Wasting, extravagant, prodigal, giving without discretion.
(CR) adv Very - Perthshire. It is evidently distinct in use from buileach. Tha còrr