Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
a-nuas /əˈNuəs/ Listen
1 down(wards) (motion towards the speaker) 2 (regional) down(wards) or up(wards) (motion towards the speaker)
a-nuas bho ghlùin gu glùin Listen
coming down from generation to generation
ceann-litir a-nuas
drop cap (in computing)
luchdadh a-nuas
download (in computing)
luchdaich a-nuas
download! (in computing)
a-nuas leis
1 down with it! 2 lower away (a sail)!
cha digeadh e buille a-nuas dha
he wouldn't give/budge an inch (fig.)
a-nuas an seòl! Listen
lower the sail!
a-nuas gun dug e Listen
down he rushed
cha dugadh e boineid a-nuas dhomh ged a sheasainn air mo cheann dìreach
he wouldn't acknowledge I am right even if I stood on my head
òrdugh a-nuas
descending order
ri tighinn a-nuas ás na beanntan air an t-slighe a Pheairt /rʲi ti.ɪNʲ əˈNuəs as nə bjãũNdən ɛrʲ əN tli.ə ə fjaRʃdʲ/
coming down from the mountains on the way to Perth
thàinig iad a-nuas an t-aodann aca ris /haːnɪgʲ iəd əˈNuəs əN tɯːdəN axgə rʲiʃ/
they landed upside down (facing him)
thig a-nuas air Còiseam mac Choinnich /higʲ əˈNuəs ɛrʲ kɔːʃəm maxg xɤNʲɪç/
be directly descended from Constantine I!
thig a-nuas an nì a tha shuas
what goes up must come down
thoir an lìon a-nuas dhen fhàradh /hɔrʲ ə Lʲiən əˈNuəs ʝe Naːrəɣ/
bring the net down the ladder!
sgàil a-nuas
sgrog an ad a-nuas air do mhala
pull your hat firmly down onto your forehead!
dòigh-obrach a-nuas on mhullach
a top-down approach
an toirt a-nuas
the fetch (in sheepdog trials)
thoir a-nuas
1 reduce, bring down! 2 fetch! (in sheepdog trials)
thig a-nuas 'na thuil
fall/rain heavily!
teachd a-nuas
1 (act of) descending 2 descent
thoir ceum a-nuas do Liam
demote Liam!
a-nuas tro na bliadhnaichean
down through the years
Toraidhean Dwelly
adv Down, downwards, from above, (towards one). Thig a-nuas an-seo, come down here.

a Two, In counting in Gaelic, for 1, 2, 3, &c, it is usual to say, a còrr
va & n. Labour, work, bestow pains. 2 Plod. 3 Labour, till ground, dress, as soil. 4(MS) còrr
adv Down, downwards (from one) —down towards one is a-nuas. 2 (shìos) Resting còrr
-aidh, sm Streaming, act or state of streaming or flowing. 2 Dropping, shedding. 3 Spending, còrr
adv (a-nuas). Down, downward (towards the speaker). Thig a-nuas, come down (but falbh còrr